📕 Node [[qs misc]]
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📄 qs-misc.md by @karlicoss

Table of Contents

[2020-02-17] My 12-year journey to logging my life! /r/QuantifiedSelf

[2020-01-13] What do you all do with your data? /r/QuantifiedSelf

Yep, python and libraries around it like matplotlib/plotly/seaborn/pandas.

[2019-12-09] I Logged 2,000 Nights of Sleep (6 years) OC /r/dataisbeautiful

[2019-12-02] Beyond the “Quantified Self” | Ian Cackett


track alarm stats: set up, dismissed etc [[qs]] [[sleep]]

cross correlation – dependency of correlation on shift [[qs]]

figure out a better way of recording HR data, not requiring endomondo? [[qs]]

[2019-02-24] The Quantified Brain of a Self-Tracking Neuroscientist - MIT Technology Review


[2019-08-09] https://news.stanford.edu/2015/12/09/brain-study-poldrack-120915/ followup

[2019-02-24] QS Resource Guide

wow, the coming soon thing is interesitng..

[2019-03-13] What’s the best sleep tracking device? Who’s actually looked into the science of how it works? /r/Biohackers

I’m a big Biostrap user. Easily the most comprehensive sleep tracking I’ve found yet. They even track leg movement, snoring and have a pretty neat report.

[2019-03-13] What’s the best sleep tracking device? Who’s actually looked into the science of how it works? /r/Biohackers

The EEG headbands are the most accurate by far. Dreem and Phillips Smartsleep. All the wristband actigraphy stuff has pretty poor correlations with actual lab results. They're good for knowing how long you slept and HRV but the error margins on individual sleep phases are pretty bad.

[2019-09-30] markwk/qsledger: Quantified Self Personal Data Aggregator and Data Analysis [[dashboard]]


To get started, we recommend downloading and using the Anaconda Distribution.

wonder if I need/could use conda for promnesia to easily integrate with my. package and stuff?

[2019-11-16] Best way to quantify/rank subjective attributes? /r/QuantifiedSelf [[dashboard]] [[hpi]]

> Also, what do you want to use these sorted elements for? It's great if it's just for the sake of it too! But wondering if you're trying to find some cool correlations or something :)

Its a recurring problem in my project ideas where the dataset involves subjective attributes.

For example, one my ideas is creating a software that collects data about your personal day(hours slept, food eaten, medication taken, physical exercise, etc etc) and success metrics(money earned, how productive you are being, fat loss/muscle gain, etc etc) and give the user the correlations between the success metrics and the data describing the days, so the user have a 100% empirical and domain-blind feedback on what works for them. Kinda like what [this](https://medium.com/@mikebechtel/i-tracked-every-single-thing-i-ate-for-a-full-year-here-are-10-quick-a-has-2c259dd2f57b) guy did, but nicely packaged into a single software.

Then theres a lot of attributes that are too subjective(specially some of the success metrics), so having a consistent and methodical way of collecting this data would be useful. Also I have no idea if someone is working on something similar, would love to read some papers/articles about it so I can mature my ideas, see what works and what doesn't.

[2020-04-06] Ask HN: Tools or mental model for answering subjective questions quantitatively? [[qs]]


Tweet from @ilyaraz2 [[coffee]] [[sleep]]

https://twitter.com/ilyaraz2/status/1294999170936221696 <button class="pull-tweet" value=https://twitter.com/ilyaraz2/status/1294999170936221696>pull</button>
@ilyaraz2: Nothing containing caffeine during 95%+ of the days. After a decade of abusing coffee, I learned again to wake up and actually feel happy and energized. Before I seriously thought that only kids can experience that. (1/2) twitter.com/roydanroy/status/1...

search how people measure it subjectively? [[sleep]]

figure out something mine?

  • mouth taste
  • ‘eye sleepiness’
  • weird stomach sensations
  • weird head pulsations?

[2020-01-06] Processing one-line journal entries for personal tracking (quantified self) : LanguageTechnology [[qs]] [[exercise]]

huh, quite similar to my workout processing parser..

[2020-10-12] although no responses…

hmm, so if sleep temperature/pressure cycle is a thing, can I decide best time to sleep judging by it? [[qs]] [[sleep]]

when I update it, need to set truncate=False and seed [[qs]] [[seaborn]]


HR decay experiment is in coding/dashboard [[dashboard]] [[hr]] [[qs]]

ok, so shoud really do a week of consistent bedtime/waking up to make some final decision on jawbone?

[2020-05-11] miguelrochefort/fitness-camera: Fitness Camera [[qs]] [[social]]

damn, fascinating, the guy committed to rexport and now I notice him in the pinoreer hackathon videos

breathing slower – higher HRV? [[hrv]]

[2018-12-07] Biohacking Services Map https://notunhealthy.com/biohacking-map [[biohacking]]

[2019-04-29] eh, only neurofeedback things are somewhat interesting

pulse oximeter? [[qs]] [[gadget]]

  • State "STRT" from "TODO" [2019-02-21]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_oximetry >
hmm. they are saying galvanic skin response captures skin conductivity as correlate of stress levels?

But their skin conductance (a reliable measure of the stress response) [[qs]]

from Come as You Are by Emily Nagoski

[2019-12-26] Sarah Bartlett on Twitter: "@youngseyeview @tableaupublic This is a super interesting, creative, quantified-self take on the theme! I applaud you for tracking your meals for this long too. Thank you for entering another viz! Happy Holidays ☺️" / Twitter [[qs]] [[viz]] [[inspiration]]

<https://twitter.com/sarahlovesdata/status/1209815315670093824 >

New tableau viz: My solitary culinary journey as a PhD student over past eight months.  The third IronQuest submission. Merry Christmas and have an awesome 2020 datafam. @sarahlovesdata

[2019-09-16] markwk/qsledger: Quantified Self Personal Data Aggregator and Data Analysis [[hpi]]


Pocket: articles read and read count from Pocket.

[2020-05-14] lastfm could be interesting too I suppose

[2019-10-08] Resting Heart Rate: Year-Over-Year Update – Michael Lustgarten

looks like a pretty quantified blog..

[2019-11-25] An Exploration of Mood Tracking: Can We Measure How We Feel? - Mark Koester


[2019-12-02] It is pretty amazing, but in a way, Wolfram is also demonstrating how not to do … | Hacker News


gwern on Mar 8, 2012 | parent | favorite | on: Learning from 20 years of personal analytics
It is pretty amazing, but in a way, Wolfram is also demonstrating how not to do Quantified Self: the point is not stamp-collecting, but data-collecting + experimentation + analysis. Right now, Wolfram has maybe #1 and #3, but he doesn't have any of #2, and he doesn't seem to really appreciate this:

[2019-12-12] Quantified Bob Updates: 🌮 Tracking glucose response to foods, 🎁 Holiday gift guide + more


[2020-04-30] [(2) Sergey Stavisky on Twitter: "@alexeyguzey Curious if you exercised during the experiment and noticed an effect there? I find that even with just a couple hours less than my usual (~7.5), cardio exertion feels harder and my running is slower." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/i/status/1255933142571065346 ) [[qs]]

Curious if you exercised during the experiment and noticed an effect there? I find that even with just a couple hours less than my usual (~7.5), cardio exertion feels harder and my running is slower.

[2020-01-17] Julian Lehr (@lehrjulian) / Twitter

right, interesting qs guy posting on HN

[2019-12-11] LiDAR Camera L515 – Intel® RealSense™ Depth and Tracking Cameras


Intel® RealSense™ LiDAR camera L515

Introducing the world's smallest high‑resolution LiDAR depth camera.
Preorder now

Tweet from Neurodynamics Team (@neurodynamicsFR), at Nov 18, 15:31

The new generation of wearable magnetoencephalography (MEG) technology will certainly  revolutionise electrophysiological measures of brain activity. ⁦@NatureComms⁩  https://t.co/7w8Hz5Tf9b
https://twitter.com/neurodynamicsFR/status/1195459427039694849 <button class="pull-tweet" value=https://twitter.com/neurodynamicsFR/status/1195459427039694849>pull</button>

[2019-11-23] MEG measures the magnetic fields generated outside the head by neural current flow

and in this way offers measures of brain electrophysiology with high spatiotemporal precision5. Traditional (superconducting) MEG sensors require cooling inside a large cryogenic dewar, meaning systems cannot adapt to head shape/size and require participants to keep still during data acquisition. However, recently developed optically pumped magnetometers8,9,10,11 (OPMs) offer a means to measure the small magnetic fields generated by the brain12,

[2019-03-02] Continuous gps device

Home weather station with temp and co2 [[qs]]

[2019-03-04] Quantified Mind Archives - Quantified Self


here was no single formula but one principle that comes up a lot is to change the difficulty of the test dynamically based on the user’s accuracy, to reach a steady state of some fixed accuracy, and apply Bayesian estimation to the parameters of interest. For example, in Digit Span we estimate the level in which the user would get exactly 50% of the trials correct. The reason that our verbal learning test doesn’t use a fixed number of items is that some people would find 10 items too hard and others would find 30 too easy, so any fixed number would waste a lot of their time testing them at an inappropriate level.

Think how to evaluate hiit vs long endurance [[exercise]] [[qs]]

[2019-10-28] Owning My Step Count · Jamie Tanna | Software (Quality) Engineer


In the spirit of own your data, as well as get a bit more visibility for myself on how much I walk and maybe even add some accountability for days I don't walk as much, I thought I'd publish this data to my site.

hmm, indieweb thing

[2019-11-02] Cloud2019

ok, can enable ‘show log records’ online..

Hr response depending on power of spinning [[qs]]

That doesn't take second order effects into account

[2019-10-28] The value of tracking data /r/running (motivation)

I love data. I love technology.  I love running.  I've got a crap ton of available data on virtually everything having to do with my running/health.  I have a high end Garmin watch, I run with my heart rate strap w/ Garmin Run Dynamics, I have a Stryd power meter, i used to track my HRV every morning, etc.

And it's almost all useless.  The more I've run, the more I've realized how little of it really matters.  Sure you can track your progress any number of ways.  My favorite, RE ratio (basically the amount of running power required for a given pace) very cleanly shows how much my efficiency has improved over long periods of time, but I can also look at long run pace for a given HR, resting HR, implied VO2Max, etc. etc. etc.  Or I could just look at old fashioned race times and see how they compare.

Almost all of this data is descriptive (and sometimes it isn't even meaningful) and it's almost never prescriptive.  The value of descriptive stats is minimal, beyond perhaps for some ongoing motivation to see improvement at regular intervals in the absence of races.  I really think tracking your mileage, pace, perceived exertion, and interval/workout details (when relevant) to be the key factors that are necessary.  It really doesn't take much to collect and track those.

So much of the data collected has false precision (just because a number is being spit out, doesn't mean it has inherent meaning or is accurate), and even more of it is useless without very detailed context.  Heart rate is the best example of this: the temperature, humidity, wind, your fatigue, whether you're sick, what you're wearing, if you had caffeine, if you ate before running, if you had a few beers the day before, etc. will all massively impact your HR on a given run.  Not to mention that people really need to know their max hr, min hr, vo2max hr, and lactate threshold hr for zones to have any meaning... and almost no one knows these numbers.

I have my training plan, and nothing really changes what i'm going to be running on a given day beyond how my body subjectively feels.

[2019-10-28] The value of tracking data /r/running [[motivation]]

I'm interested in the process of quantified self and gathering information of your body with the help of wearable technology. It'd be interesting to hear from the community, what got you into quantified self and what for you is the value you get from it? What keeps you motivated to gather information or what made you stop?

At the moment I track my running pace and recovery times. I use the information to set a goal for each workout and plan them according to my energy levels. One of my friends is very organized in this sense and has tracked nearly all his runs this year. I've learned a great deal from him but I'd like to know more and understand what other ways there are to make use of the data that's out there.

[2019-11-14] What I track and how : QuantifiedSelf [[toblog]] [[qs]]

could create similar post? people seems to like that one..

Watts are lower bound due to heat losses. Wonder whats the effeciency of meat engine [[qs]]

[2019-08-03] One Year (Almost) of Heart Rate Data from Fitbit Charge 2 OC /r/dataisbeautiful

Try implementing smart alarm? [[sleep]] [[qs]]

semantic location history!!! it actually includes segments! [[location]] [[takeout]]

[2020-03-09] Pinboard: Bookmark Detail


The Future of Quantified Self Devices - Aaron Parecki

[2020-03-24] OpenTracksApp/OpenTracks: OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy. [[qs]]

use this instead of endomondo?

[2020-04-09] Science, Art, Beauty: All My Friends Are Dying


I order blood tests online and draw my own blood.

[2020-04-15] Blue Maestro sensor, openHAB or Home Assistant and HomeKit

[2020-05-14] various jawbone links from old my package [[qs]] [[jawbone]]

crowoy/Health-Analysis: Tool for visualising and analysing personal fitness data.

Blood Pressure Monitors: High blood pressure is a well-known health risk factor, especially when combined with smoking, obesity, or genetic markers. You can get this measured at your doctor’s, a health clinic, or even using an at-home monitor. Check out my guide to blood pressure tracking

Data-Driven Health Trackers: An Actionable List - Mark Koester
in context

Check out my blood test guide, Know Thy Blood or my blood test biomarker directory for an FAQ and information on the best tests.

Data-Driven Health Trackers: An Actionable List - Mark Koester
in context

Check out my guide to VO2 Max, including the numbers, my lab test, and how to estimate your VO2 Max.

Data-Driven Health Trackers: An Actionable List - Mark Koester
in context

Temp running correlation [[qs]]

[2020-07-29] hyfen.net/memex/updates/fifteen-years-of-conversations/

I’m going to be more intentional about taking screenshots of interesting moments or clips of things on my screen and I’ve set up an importer to automatically watch for new screenshot image files to import automatically.

Binge days weighting poop [[qs]]

This was a big thing with Tim Ferris when he was making an argument for "cheat days". Personally, I also found cheat days to be effective when on a restrictive diet. I think he ended up actually weighing his poop to prove the point.
I did notice that I couldn't breakthrough some key weight loss levels without both cheat days and intermittent fasting, with the cheat days seeming counter-intuitive to me.

Need to implement lan capture, maybe? [[qs]] [[emfit]]

right. bluemaestro seems to duplicate data… with weird timestamps. [[bluemaestro]]

Like, here timestamps vary across almost the whole hour??? the fuck is this?? seriously
I guess it’s still sort of useful even with such resultion. but FUCK

dt	temp
2020-07-20T23:51:34.444000	21.0
2020-07-20T23:46:14.536000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:39:01.012000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:30:30.643000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:29:38.622000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:29:18.286000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:25:02.555000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:20:49.602000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:17:48.530000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:15:52.118000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:08:14.417000	21.3
2020-07-20T23:04:57.706000	21.3
2020-07-20T22:57:24.860000	21.3
2020-07-20T22:56:32.268000	21.3
2020-07-20T22:53:23.638000	21.3
2020-07-20T22:51:34.444000	21.3
2020-07-20T22:46:14.536000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:39:01.012000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:30:30.643000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:29:38.622000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:29:18.286000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:25:02.555000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:20:49.602000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:17:48.530000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:15:52.118000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:08:14.417000	21.8
2020-07-20T22:04:57.706000	21.8
2020-07-20T21:57:24.860000	21.8
2020-07-20T21:56:32.268000	21.8
2020-07-20T21:53:23.638000	21.8
2020-07-20T21:51:34.444000	21.8
2020-07-20T21:46:14.536000	22.3

FUCK. I should really cross check new data sources quicker before investing time in them. Fuck.

ok, at least data from google is sort of a lower bound… [[location]] [[qs]]

ok, I guess runs were tracked on endomondo so it’s not that big of a problem. would be interesting to cross-match them with endomondo data [[location]] [[qs]]

[2019-03-06] UbiBot WiFi Wireless Thermometer, Remote Temperature, Humidity, Light Monitor, Environment Sensor, Mobile App Alerts, Compatible with IFTTT(2.4GHz WiFi only): Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools [[qs]]


[2019-05-21] All in one [[inspiration]] [[qs]]


back track quanitifiedmind after exercise [[qs]] [[timeline]]

[2019-11-09] unlikely to impact anything I guess because it’s unclear what data quantifiedmind reports

[2018-06-30] wger Workout Manager - Features [[exercise]]


bristol stool scale [[health]]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_stool_scale >

@altini_marco: Some interesting data on the relationship between HRV (rMSSD), age, gender, BMI and physical activity level
N > 30 000
Higher levels of physical activity seem associated with better HRV regardless of gender, age and BMI
cc @dsquintana: dug a bit deeper, inspired by your paper pic.twitter.com/CtB7hm...

Comparison between emfit and Garmin? [[emfit]] [[garmin]] [[toblog]]

[2020-10-17] Wow, hr after eating pizza is still 80 after almost 2 hours? Check previous week too [[qs]]

[2020-09-01] "What I Learned from the Freestyle Libre Glucose Monitor", Josh Mitteldorf (metformin blunts his mealtime blood glucose spikes) /r/QuantifiedSelf

[2020-10-24] interesting data, but people are commenting that it’s meaningless without glucose sensitivity?

[2020-10-24] Heart rate - Wikipedia [[qs]] [[hr]]

Heart rate recovery

[2020-10-24] Measure Your Heart Rate Recovery Time

Subtract your 2-minute heart rate from the heart rate you took immediately after exercising. The faster your heart rate recovers (or slows down) the fitter and healthier your heart.

hmm, nice from a quick glance, mine is 50-60? But would be nice to do a proper analysis

[2020-10-27] The Heart Rate Sensor on My Watch Is Not Accurate | Garmin Support [[garmin]]

In the following example, the watch initially detected and locked onto the runner's pulse, but  around 20 minutes in it locked to their running cadence:


[2020-10-27] Endomondo [[garmin]]

hmm. maybe actually it’s not badly wrong
seems that endomondo is reporting avg HR, so it’s lower because of buildup and stops

[2020-11-22] Garmin Connect

it detected sleep while I was still awake and reading?? what the actual fuck???

[2020-11-10] [Marco Altini on Twitter: "🥁 here is some data* Contrary to expectations (see poll below), resting heart rate decreased during the lockdown and remained lower in the first 6 months of the year cc @jamesheathers *these are HRV4Training users, so the data is only representative of this sample, obviously https://t.co/A7L58M0Oje" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/altini_marco/status/1326141603497521158 ) [[qs]] [[hr]]

Contrary to expectations (see poll below), resting heart rate decreased during the lockdown and remained lower in the first 6 months of the year

[2020-10-22] IPython Cookbook - 10.1. Analyzing the frequency components of a signal with a Fast Fourier Transform

We get a smoothed version of the signal, because the fast variations have been lost when we have removed the high frequencies in the Fourier transform.

[2020-10-22] Psd Demo — Matplotlib 3.1.2 documentation

[2020-10-22] analog to digital - comparison between Fourier transform and autocorrelation function - Signal Processing Stack Exchange

Therefore for random signals, the Fourier transform will not exist and their spectral density cannot be computed that way. Nevertheless, for such signals an indirect description, based on an autocorrelation measure, can also be defined, whose advantage being that the Fourier transform of it may exist. Therefore the PSD of a random process is defined as the Fourier transform of its ACF.

[2020-10-22] psdtheory.dvi - psdtheory.pdf

[2020-10-22] python - How to find period of signal (autocorrelation vs fast fourier transform vs power spectral density)? - Stack Overflow

I wouldn't say the autocorrelation is particularly sensitive to noise, but it is sensitive to other frequency components. If you have multiple superimposed signals, this time-domain analysis becomes unreliable. That's where Fourier analysis shines, as it separates out the individual frequency components.

wonder if running in the beginning of week is better? hmm [[qs]] [[running]]

[2020-12-03] although I used to run on saturday/sundary and it was ok so not sure

[2020-05-09] [(2) D ␣ a ␣ n ␣ P ␣ i ␣ p ␣ o ␣ n ␣ i on Twitter: "@cartazio The blue is my running speed. I expect that a leaky capacitor model is a good first order approximation. From an engineering perspective, I think it corresponds to a PI controller https://t.co/BJfxSG0o3Q" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/sigfpe/status/1259163550435512321 ) [[qs]]

The blue is my running speed. I expect that a leaky capacitor model is a good first order approximation. From an engineering perspective, I think it corresponds to a PI controller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_contr <button class="pull-url autopull" value="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_contr">pull</button>

[2020-09-09] QS Forum: What Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) allow automated export of the data "out-of-the-box"?

[QS Forum] What Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) allow automated export of the data "out-of-the-box"?

[2020-09-20] A Syntax for Self-Tracking

figure out HRV correlations with other things [[qs]] [[emfit]]

approximate sleep in periods when I was missing it via rescuetime/arbtt stats… also compute the discrepancies [[rescuetime]] [[arbtt]] [[sleep]]

apps for tracking [2018-01-06]

Tap log looks OK

- can only track individual items, would be hard to input different beer percentage

+ has widget!

+ notes and GPS

ok, but for weight could work I guess?

- no free backups

    • but managed to backup database using root

Trackthisforme: weird, too complicated MEH

none of them have widget

Keeptrack: too simple MEH

atimelogger? http://www.atimelogger.com/

looks allright, but oversimplified, I know when i’m doing sports or work or shopping anyway

A Time Tracker? f-droid, open source

[2018-05-31] time tracking apps [[qs]] [[productivity]]

Quality time

  • doesn’t seem to have export
  • not very precise, tracked 9 hours of weekly usage for alarm clock xtreme for some reason..

Rescue time

? csv exports are premium only? http://blog.rescuetime.com/getting-the-most-out-of-rescuetime-for-your-quantified-self-projects/
whatever, json is fine

[2017-10-30] fitness apps [[exercise]] [[qs]]

HR monitoring [[hr]]

heart trace app: weird, doesn’t seem to work

polar h10 seems not to work with google fit for some reasong…

polar beat: not necessary for the sensor..

pull ups

NorthPark.Android обязательно нужно подтягиваться с девайсом

rittr labs плохой дизайн

quantified body podcast – not bad [[podcast]]

[2017-11-15] episode 22 | Quantified Bob https://thequantifiedbody.net/n1-experiments-bob-troia/

Test for glucose?

[2017-11-16] episode 33 | quantified mind guy https://thequantifiedbody.net/mental-performance-tracking-tool-yoni-donner/

some comments on lumosity 17:00
He says even most promising studies show very little effect of brain training

[2018-03-01] https://www.vox.com/dear-julia/2015/9/18/9349813/fitness-tracker-accuracy [[exercise]] [[qs]]

fitness tracker accuracy

online trackers: crap, quite obviously

wearables: use HR to estimate oxygen consumption. but the algos doing that are oversimplified. typically, error is about 20%.

to measure really accurately, you put people in a multi-million dollar chamber…

Fitness tracker


Garmin VivoSmart HR+ here! I had the first VivoSmart and wore it to death so an upgrade to the new HR+ was made! I asolutely love it! Has everything I need as a keen runner! Heart rate, and GPS seem very accurate and it never fails to record data or connect to my phone, unlike my SO's fitbit, which she finds a nightmare! She is considering the purchase of Garmin after seeing mine.
My two kids have Garmin's too, the VivoFit Jr for my 6yo son and the VivoActive for my 10yo daughter. Both just as reliable and as fun as mine! Have fun!!


  • doesn’t really detect HR consistently.
  • doesn’t detect that you stopped weering it and flashes with green light
  • sometimes woudn’t record sleeps
  • sleep phases are weird


urine and saliva acidity?

glucose meter?



HR monitor

android: instant heard rate app

[2018-08-27] Mobile apps for cognitive testing [[cognitive]]

Train your brain: meh

no progress training. At least, gives you some sort of score

Cognition trainer: meh

no scores, just levels

Brainexer2: has some scores… But not sure if tracks and keeps scores

[2018-08-27] doesn’t look like it’s keeping raw data either (tried in cheatdroid) . ugh

[2020-06-08] My Quantified Self Setup « julian.digital [[qs]]

lots of interesting subjective/percieved stats

[2018-05-01] conducting blind experiments [[qs]]


[2019-02-17] Psychology Tools [[qs]] [[cognitive]]


[2019-04-29] How to track multi-day hikes? Best GPS watch / unit with longest battery life? /r/CampingGear [[qs]] [[gps]]

I really like GPS Logger on Android. It's really simple, highly configurable, and open source. Plus, it's not like I'm using my phone anyway. Setting it at 10-30 second intervals in airplane mode will last me a couple days. I haven't found a watch that won't break the bank that can do that.


It's just GPS points though. If you want to see them on map, you'll have to open it in a map program. I use GPX Viewer, but I don't think it's anything extra special. I also upload them automatically when I get internet again to Google Drive and Dropbox.

I pretty much have used my phone for everything since smart phones have been a thing. They are the ultimate multipurpose devices. I've never really felt the need or been able to justify things like smart watches, E-Readers, Cameras (once smartphones hit 5mp or so).

[2019-02-04] oliexdev/openScale: Open-source weight and body metrics tracker, with support for Bluetooth scales [[qs]]


[2019-05-21] How To Build A Smart Home Sensor | Popular Science [[qs]]


[2019-02-13] Get raw data from commercial activity trackers | okinesio [[qs]]


[2020-03-26] Ask HN: Best sleep trackers? [[sleep]]


[2020-08-16] not much interesting for me, but probably good summary of what are people using (in comments)

[2017-09-07] https://www.humanbenchmark.com/dashboard [[qs]] [[cognitive]]

n-back [[nback]] [[cognitive]]

the question of whether n-back training produces real-world improvements to working memory remains controversial.

[2019-04-21] I tracked everything I ate for the last year, along with my exercise, sleep, vitals, and sense of well-being. I’m just starting to analyze the 500,000+ data points, but here are 10 quick blink reactions: /r/QuantifiedSelf [[qs]] [[inspiration]]

I tracked everything I ate for the last year, along with my exercise, sleep, vitals, and sense of well-being. I'm just starting to analyze the 500,000+ data points, but here are 10 quick blink reactions:
Full Article Here:

tl/dr here:

1. Exercise is a Heckuva Anti-Depressant.
2. Sugar & Salt hangovers: Nearly as bad as alcohol hangovers.
3. Two Days of Bad Sleep in a Row Will Mess. You. Up.
4. Weight Loss != Fat Loss
5. Carbs aren't evil. But they're... sneaky.
6. 15% body fat (for a guy) is doable with tasty food. 10% requires you to eat fewer tasty things. 5% requires you to forgo taste (and friends) entirely.
7. Muscles recover strongest 2-3 days after a workout, and stay stronger-than-baseline for about 2-3 days after that. Beyond that, wimpy-ness resumes and you atrophy. (Which is why consistency is key.)
8. Food Scales are your Friend. Casseroles, stews, and buffets are your Enemy.
9. Processed foods are easiest to track (because they have SKU's) but not as good for you. Whole Foods vs. Whole Data.
10. Standard McDonald's Cheeseburgers are, as far as I can tell, the most nutritionally complete food on a macronutrient-per-dollar basis.

[2020-10-24] apparently he’s good at subjective scores, wonder if he did any proper data analysis at all

[2020-01-22] How I log (almost) EVERYTHING to AIRTABLE with iOS Shortcuts, Integromat, Pushcut, NFC tags and Timing app from my mind, Fitbit, Oura, Withings, EliteHRV, Yazio, Calm, Clue, Social media accounts, Photos and other sources. (A long thread I wrote to Automators forum, you can read it without sign-in ) /r/QuantifiedSelf [[toblog]] [[qs]] [[lifelogging]]

[2019-06-20] Quantified Self Books? : QuantifiedSelf [[qs]]


Trackers by Richard MacManus and Your Life, Uploaded by Gordon Bell are two great books on QS, but neither have a practical focus.

[2019-02-23] Bob Troia | Minimum effective quantification - YouTube [[qs]]

nothing new really.. just measures glucose, hrv and air quality. He’s not even using anything really too special

[2019-01-13] Ted Chiang gives lecture on lifelogging – The Scarlet [[tedchiang]] [[lifelogging]]

huh, interesting..

[2020-06-26] TICKR X Heart Rate Monitor & Workout Tracker | Wahoo Fitness UK [[wahoo]]

Includes a coin cell battery that can last for over 500 hours of workouts.

[2019-02-11] Self-Quantification Explained: Tons of Ways Start Measuring Your Performance and Progress - The Bioneer [[qs]]

ok, it’s all pretty obvious to me, but could be useful for other people

[2018-10-01] Happiness and Life Satisfaction - Our World in Data [[qs]]

pretty interesting, a lot of data (with csv sources) on correlation of happiness with other things

[2018-08-25] PhoRheels comments on Finally received my Gen 2 Oura Ring, with some early feedback. Anyone else? [[hr]]


 Received my ring last Friday. Had the 1st gen but returned it due to inaccurate sleep readings. Unfortunately, the new ring seems to be inaccurate for me as well. Both rings read that I was asleep when I was meditating, laying awake in bed, or even making coffee. Since the Readiness score is based in part on the Sleep score that’s inaccurate, too. I contacted customer service last night, no word back yet.
The new material of the 2nd gen ring feels cheap and plasticky, although a better size and weight than the 1st gen. Overall, so far, not impressed. Especially after waiting over 9 months. But I look forward to my initial impressions changing for the better with continued use. Would love to hear from other Ōura users as well.

[2019-01-20] Smart Temporal Thermometer | Thermo - Withings [[qs]] [[temperature]]


  • [2019-02-16] meh, it’s not continuous measurement

[2019-03-20] How I’m Tracking Everything I Consume (Podcasts, Videos, Articles, Books). All in One Place. /r/QuantifiedSelf [[lifelogging]]

I created a system for tracking these things through Airtable. 
Here it is, along with a little guide: https://airtable.com/universe/expJ6uvPux8mgLoYV/track-everything-you-consume
Just thought you guys might appreciate it. Any feedback is welcome. I am new to self tracking.
  • [2019-04-11] eh, they are doing it pretty manually…

[2020-01-22] How I track my life with Integromat, Airtable, Shortcuts and Timing (et al) - Web - Automators Talk [[qs]]


[2020-11-30] 1000 days with Oura ring – My revelations with HRV – Addicted to optimization [[hrv]] [[qs]]

[2020-09-13] Analyzing accuracy of power reported by stationary bike | beepb00p

hey, I looked at same thing for tunturi e35. A much cheaper bike. The problem is this not a linear function. In magnetic resistance bikes, torque increases as linear function of RPM.

sleep measuring – show the ‘mental state’ variable [[toblog]] [[qs]]

https://naked-science.ru/article/biology/poterya-vsego-16-minut-sna-mozhet fuck this study! Self reporting on the scale from 0 to 4 for 8 days – what the hell is that?? [[qs]]

map of europe with some pins and photos? [[travel]] [[toblog]] [[lifelogging]]

Public photo gallery? [[self]] [[qs]] [[lifelogging]]

[2019-05-26] post some photos; referred dynamically by file names? defensive so warn if photos could not be found

[2019-05-26] If I want to do it in org mode, wonder if just easier to render via my own parser…

[2021-01-24] I guess it should be fine to explicitly link to the public ones, no one needs all photos there

quantifiedmind post: build an automatic graph for model? So I could reason about placebo etc [[qs]] [[toblog]]

  • [2019-11-16] not sure what I meant here, but would be cool to make notebooks completely interactive so people could plug in their models?j

[2020-09-13] Analyzing accuracy of power reported by stationary bike | beepb00p [[qs]] [[toblog]]

make the free coefficient positive.

eh, maybe just use "intercept" with a link to wikipedia? not sure if free variable is a common language

about autocorrelation analysis of sleep HR [[qs]] [[hr]] [[toblog]]


  • how easy it is to import data (demonstrate lrucache?)
  • plot the data
  • want to find out the correlation with other things
  • autocorrelation + fft analysis then

[2021-02-08] Quantifying the self - Why I track 80 metrics about my life every day

[2020-01-29] Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden@mastodon.cloud on Twitter: "Dropping @Rescuetime for the privacy first @ActivityWatchIt https://t.co/NDVP2EtbbH https://t.co/ocanwujpSm" / Twitter

<https://twitter.com/cubicgarden/status/1222447798223802369 >

Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden@mastodon.cloud
Dropping @Rescuetime
 for the privacy first @ActivityWatchIt

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